Upgraded Cigar Lighter: Crafted from premium zinc alloy for strength and durability, our cigar lighter includes a built-in cigar punch, cigar stand, and electronic ignition for addressing common ignition failure issues with butane lighters. Its windproof triple jet flame design ensures quick ignition for cigars or other items.
Electric Torch Lighter: This cigar lighter differs significantly from traditional butane lighters with its innovative electronic ignition, USB charging cable, and 4 LED lights to indicate battery status. It requires a fully charged battery and replenished butane fuel to ignite.
Cigar Holder and Cigar Punch: This electronic cigar lighter has a top safety cover that doubles as a cigar stand and a built-in cigar punch at the bottom. Its versatile design ensures you have everything you need for cigars in one rechargeable lighter.
Refillable Butane Lighter: This refillable butane lighter includes a visible fuel window and refill port for easy butane fuel refilling. It also has a flame adjustment valve for adjusting the flame size.
Perfect Cigar Accessories Gift: Exquisitely designed for an excellent hand feel and strong vintage flavor, the torch lighter is portable and comes in an exquisite gift box, making it a great gift for cigar lovers on various occasions.
After-sales Service: Our excellent after-sales service will ensure your satisfaction. Please contact us with any issues regarding your purchased lighters and accessories.